Java – How to check whether particular element is present in HashSet ?

In this article, we will discuss an example on how to search, whether particular element present in HashSet or NOT

1. Searching element from HashSet :

Method signature:

boolean contains(Object o);
  • This method is used to search specified object from invoking collection
  • Returns true, if present; otherwise return false


import java.util.HashSet;

public class SearchElementFromHashSet {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		// creating HashSet object of type String
		HashSet<String> ceo = new HashSet<String>();

		// adding elements to HashSet object
		ceo.add("Sundar Pichai");
		ceo.add("Satya Nadella");
		ceo.add("Shiv Nadar");
		ceo.add("Shantanu Narayen");
		ceo.add("Sundar Pichai"); // duplicate object
		ceo.add("Francisco D’Souza");
		ceo.add(null); // null is allowed

		// Iterating using for-loop
		System.out.println("Iterating HashSet\n");
		for(String founder : ceo) {

		// searching element
		boolean boolElement = ceo.contains("Sundar Pichai");

		System.out.println("\n\nWhether element 'Sundar Pichai' "
				+ "is present : " + boolElement);

		// searching and printing in same line
		System.out.println("\n\nWhether element 'Shiv Nadar' "
				+ "is present : " + ceo.contains("Shiv Nadar"));

		// searching and printing in same line
		System.out.println("\n\nWhether element 'Nandan Nilekeni' "
				+ "is present : " + ceo.contains("Nandan Nilekeni"));


Iterating HashSet

Satya Nadella
Shiv Nadar
Francisco D’Souza
Shantanu Narayen
Sundar Pichai

Whether element 'Sundar Pichai' is present : true

Whether element 'Shiv Nadar' is present : true

Whether element 'Nandan Nilekeni' is present : false

From above example, HashSet

  • allows only unique elements
  • null object is allowed (max of 1)
  • retrieve items in random-order, while iterating

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Happy Coding !!
Happy Learning !!

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