Short to String conversion in Java – 5 ways

In this article, we will discuss various ways to convert Short to String in Java



  • Size is 2 bytes
  • Its range is -32,768 to 32,767


Various ways to convert Short to String

  1. using Short.toString(shortVal);
  2. using String.valueOf(shortVal);
  3. create Short object and then convert to String using toString() method {new Short(shortVal).toString();}
  4. adding double quotes (“”) to short value {i.e.; “” + shortVal;}
  5. using append() method of StringBuffer or StringBuilder


Auto-boxing and un-boxing feature from Java 1.5 version:

  • parseShort() method returns primitive short data-type but it can be easily used as Short wrapper-type
  • as auto-boxing feature helps to convert primitive data-type to wrapper-types
  • similarly, Short.valueOf() method returns Short wrapper-type but it can also be used as primitive short data-type
  • let’s see one example on this auto-boxing feature at the very end

Read String class in detail with example


Let us move forward and discuss all possible ways to convert Short to String in Java

Way 1: Using Short.toString(shortVal); method

  • This method can be used to convert primitive short data-type or Short wrapper-type to String object
  • Negative short data-type can also be converted to String type, as shown in the below example

Method signature:

public static String toString(short s);


public class ConvertShortToStringUsingToStringMethod {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		// primitive short data-type
		short shortValue1 = 30250;

		// 1. converting short to String
		// by using toString() method
		String str1 = Short.toString(shortValue1);
		System.out.println("1. Converted"
				+ " primitive short to String value is : "
				+ str1);

		// primitive short data-type (negative value)
		short shortValue2 = -20150;

		// 2. converting short to String 
		// by using toString() method
		String str2 = Short.toString(shortValue2);
		System.out.println("\n2. Converted negative "
				+ "primitive short to String value is : "
				+ str2);

		// Short object
		Short iValue3 = new Short((short)12345);

		// 3. converting Short object to String 
		// by using toString() method
		String str3 = Short.toString(iValue3);
		System.out.println("\n3. Converted"
				+ " Short object to String value is : "
				+ str3);


1. Converted primitive short to String value is : 30250

2. Converted negative primitive short to String value is : -20150

3. Converted Short object to String value is : 12345


Way 2: Using String.valueOf(shortVal); method

  • This method can be used to convert primitive short data-type or Short wrapper-type to String object
  • Negative short data-type can also be converted to String type, as shown in the below example

Method signature:

public static String valueOf(int i);


public class ConvertShortToStringUsingValueOfMethod {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		// primitive short data-type
		short shortValue1 = 11225;

		// 1. converting short to String 
		// by using valueOf() method
		String str1 = String.valueOf(shortValue1);
		System.out.println("1. Converted"
				+ " primitive short to String value is : "
				+ str1);

		// primitive short data-type (negative value)
		short shortValue2 = -10296;

		// 2. converting negative short to String 
		// by using valueOf() method
		String str2 = String.valueOf(shortValue2);
		System.out.println("\n2. Converted "
				+ "negative primitive short to String value is : "
				+ str2);

		// Short object
		Short shortValue3 = new Short((short)12345);

		// 3. converting Short object to String
		// by using valueOf() method
		String str3 = String.valueOf(shortValue3);
		System.out.println("\n3. Converted"
				+ " Short object to String value is : "
				+ str3);


1. Converted primitive short to String value is : 11225

2. Converted negative primitive short to String value is : -10296

3. Converted Short object to String value is : 12345


Way 3: create Short object and then convert to String using toString() method {new Short(shortVal).toString();}

  • Here, we will create new Short object with primitive short value as constructor-argument
  • After creating new Short object by passing primitive short value, then invoke toString() method for converting primitive short data-type to String object

Method signature:

public Short(short value);

public String toString();


public class ConvertShortToStringUsingObjectCreation {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		// primitive short data-type
		short shortValue1 = 5698;

		// 1. converting short to String 
		// by creating Short object 
		Short shortObj1 = new Short(shortValue1);

		// and then invoke toString(); method
		String str1 = shortObj1.toString();
		System.out.println("1. Converted"
				+ " primitive short to String value is : "
				+ str1);

		// primitive short data-type (negative value)
		short shortValue2 = -10236;

		// 2. converting negative short to String 
		// by creating Short object
		Short shortObj2 = new Short(shortValue2);

		// and then invoke toString(); method
		String str2 = shortObj2.toString();
		System.out.println("\n2. Converted "
				+ "negative primitive short to String value is : "
				+ str2);

		// Short object
		Short shortValue3 = new Short((short)14785);

		// 3. converting Short object to String 
		// by creating Short object
		String str3 = shortValue3.toString();
		System.out.println("\n3. Converted"
				+ " Short object to String value is : "
				+ str3);


1. Converted primitive short to String value is : 5698

2. Converted negative primitive short to String value is : -10236

3. Converted Short object to String value is : 14785


Way 4: adding double quotes (“”) to short value

  • Note: for this conversion to work, double-quotes (“”) must be added at the start of the concatenation


String temp = “” + shortValue;


public class ConvertShortToStringByAddingDoubleQuotes {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		// primitive short data-type
		short shortValue1 = 30201;

		// 1. converting short to String by adding ""
		String str1 = "" + shortValue1;
		System.out.println("1. Converted"
				+ " primitive short to String value is : "
				+ str1);

		// primitive short data-type (negative value)
		short shortValue2 = -10203;

		// 2. converting negative short to String  by adding ""
		String str2 = "" + shortValue2;
		System.out.println("\n2. Converted "
				+ "negative primitive short to String value is : "
				+ str2);

		// Short object
		Short shortValue3 = new Short((short)31214);

		// 3. converting Short object to String  by adding ""
		String str3 = "" + shortValue3;
		System.out.println("\n3. Converted"
				+ " Short object to String value is : "
				+ str3);


1. Converted primitive short to String value is : 30201

2. Converted negative primitive short to String value is : -10203

3. Converted Short object to String value is : 31214


Way 5: Using append() method of StringBuffer & StringBuilder

  • This method can be used to convert primitive short data-type to String object
  • Only sign is allowed, like minus (-)


StringBuffer sbf = sbf.append(shortValue);

String temp = sbf.toString();


public class ConvertShortToStringByAppending {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		// primitive short data-type
		short shortValue1 = 15489;

		// 1. converting short to String 
		// by using append() method
		StringBuffer sbf1 = new StringBuffer();
		String str1 = sbf1.append(shortValue1).toString();
		System.out.println("1. Converted"
				+ " primitive short to String value is : "
				+ str1);

		// primitive short data-type (negative value)
		short shortValue2 = -25412;

		// 2. converting negative short to String
		// by using append() method
		StringBuffer sbf2 = new StringBuffer();
		String str2 = sbf2.append(shortValue2).toString();
		System.out.println("\n2. Converted "
				+ "negative primitive short to String value is : "
				+ str2);

		// Short object
		Short shortValue3 = new Short((short)1000);

		// 3. converting Short object to String 
		// by using append() method
		StringBuffer sbf3 = new StringBuffer();
		String str3 = sbf3.append(shortValue3).toString();
		System.out.println("\n3. Converted"
				+ " Short object to String value is : "
				+ str3);


1. Converted primitive short to String value is : 15489

2. Converted negative primitive short to String value is : -25412

3. Converted Short object to String value is : 1000


What if we want to convert primitive short data-type to Short wrapper-type or vice-versa ?

  • Auto-boxing feature available from Java 1.5 version
  • So, converting primitive data-type to wrapper-type can easily be done, by directly assigning
  • Let’s see one example based on this auto-boxing feature


public class AutoBoxingFeatureForShortConversion {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		// String with only digits
		String str1 = "32120";

		// string to short conversion
		short shortValue1 = Short.parseShort(str1);

		// 1. Auto-Boxing - converting short to Short
		Short shortAutoBoxing = shortValue1;
		System.out.println("1. Auto-Boxing : "
				+ shortAutoBoxing);

		// String with only digits and a minus sign (-)
		String str2 = "-15936";

		// string to Short conversion
		Short shortValue2 = Short.valueOf(str2);

		// 1. Un-Boxing - converting Short to short
		short shortUnBoxing = shortValue2;
		System.out.println("\n2. Un-Boxing   : "
				+ shortUnBoxing);


1. Auto-Boxing : 32120

2. Un-Boxing   : -15936


Hope, you found this article very helpful. If you have any suggestion or want to contribute any other way or tricky situation you faced during Interview hours, then share with us. We will include that code here.




Happy Coding !!
Happy Learning !!

Java - How to convert String to StringBuffer and vice-versa ?
Java - String to short conversion in 3 ways