Java 8 – Stream allMatch() method with examples

In this article, we will discuss Stream’s allMatch() method in details with examples.

Read below methods which are similar to allMatch() method

1. Stream allMatch() method :

  • This Stream method is a terminal operation which returns true if all the elements of the given Stream satisfies the provided Predicate, otherwise returns false
  • But even if one of the elements in the original Stream doesn’t matches the given Predicate then it will return false
  • Stream’s allMatch() method is stateless which means it is non-interfering with other elements in the stream
  • May not evaluate the predicate on all elements if not necessary for determining the result
  • It is a short-circuiting terminal operation, as Stream pipeline ends for the non-match of the provided Predicate
  • If the stream is empty then true is returned and the predicate is not evaluated
  • Method signature :- boolean allMatch(Predicate<? super T> predicate)

2. Stream allMatch() method examples :

2.1 To evaluate different Predicate for the Integer list

  • A list contains integer numbers from 1 to 10
  • 1st Predicate – checks whether all number are positive // returns true
  • 2nd Predicate – checks whether all number are greater than 10 // returns true
  • 3rd Predicate – checks whether all numbers are divisible by 2 // returns false
  • 4th Predicate – checks whether all numbers are divisible by 3 // returns false

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

public class StreamAllMatchMethodForInteger {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		// list of 10 natural numbers
		List<Integer> numbers = Arrays

		System.out.println("Original list of integers : " + numbers);

		// 1. predicate to check all number are positive ?
		boolean isPositive = numbers
				.allMatch(num -> num > 0);

		System.out.println("\n1. All numbers are positive = "
				+ isPositive);

		// 2. predicate to check all number are greater than 10 ?
		boolean isGreaterThan10 = numbers
				.allMatch(num -> num > 0);

		System.out.println("\n2. All numbers are greater than 10 = "
				+ isGreaterThan10);

		// 3. predicate to check all number are divisible by 2 ?
		boolean isDivisibleBy2 = numbers
				.allMatch(n-> n % 2 == 0);

		System.out.println("\n3. All numbers are divisible by 2 = "
				+ isDivisibleBy2);

		// 4. predicate to check all number are divisible by 3 ?
		boolean isDivisibleBy3 = numbers
				.allMatch(n-> n % 3 == 0);

		System.out.println("\n4. All numbers are divisible by 3 = "
				+ isDivisibleBy3);


Original list of integers : [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

1. All numbers are positive = true

2. All numbers are greater than 10 = true

3. All numbers are divisible by 2 = false

4. All numbers are divisible by 3 = false

2.2 To evaluate different Predicate for the list of Strings

  • A list contains String elements
  • 1st Predicate – verifies whether all String’s length is greater than 4 // returns true
  • 2nd Predicate – checks whether all String’s first character is in Upper Case // returns true
  • 3rd Predicate – checks whether all String’s last character is in Lower Case // returns true
  • 4th Predicate – checks whether all Strings contains any Digits // returns false
  • 5th Predicate – checks whether all Strings contains only characters // returns true

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

public class StreamAllMatchMethodForString {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		// list of 5 Strings
		List<String> sectors = Arrays.asList(

		System.out.println("Original list of Strings : " + sectors);

		// 1. predicate - all String elements length greater than 4
		boolean isStrLengthGreaterThan4 = sectors
				.allMatch(str -> str.length() > 4);

		System.out.println("\n1. All String - length greater than 4 ? "
				+ isStrLengthGreaterThan4);

		// 2. predicate - 1st character is in upperCase
		boolean isFirstCharInUpperCase = sectors
				.allMatch(str -> Character.isUpperCase(str.charAt(0)));

		System.out.println("\n2. All String - 1st character is in upperCase ? "
				+ isFirstCharInUpperCase);

		// 3. predicate - last character is in upperCase
		boolean isLastCharInLowerCase = sectors
				.allMatch(str -> Character.isLowerCase(str.charAt(str.length()-1)));

		System.out.println("\n3. All String - last character is in lowerCase ? "
				+ isLastCharInLowerCase);

		// 4. predicate - String contains digits
		boolean isContainDigits = sectors
				.allMatch(str -> str.matches("\\d+"));

		System.out.println("\n4. All String contains digits ? "
				+ isContainDigits);

		// 5. predicate - String matches all characters
		boolean isMatchesCharacter = sectors
				.allMatch(str -> str.matches("[A-Za-z]+")); // \\d+

		System.out.println("\n5. All String - matches only characters ? "
				+ isMatchesCharacter);


Original list of Strings : [Motor, Power, Steel, Chemicals, Capital]

1. All String - length greater than 4 ? true

2. All String - 1st character is in upperCase ? true

3. All String - last character is in lowerCase ? true

4. All String contains digits ? false

5. All String - matches only characters ? true

2.3 To find Students from multiple Predicates

  • A Student POJO is defined with 3 attributes
  • A list contains 5 Student objects defining their attributes like rollNumber, name, and age
  • We have defined 2 simple Predicate namely p1 and p2 and one more joined Predicate which is the combined Predicate of p1 && p2
  • 1st Predicate – checks whether all Students name contains character ‘i‘ // returns true
  • 2nd Predicate – checks whether all Students age is greater than or equal to 16 // returns true
  • 3rd Predicate – checks whether all Students name contains character ‘i‘ and age is greater than or equal to 16 // returns true
  • 4th Predicate – checks whether all Students name starts with ‘V‘ and age is less than or equal to 16 // returns false


public class Student {

	// member variables
	private int rollNumber;
	private String name;
	private int age;

	// constructors
	public Student(int rollId, String name, int age) {
		this.rollNumber = rollId; = name;
		this.age = age;

	// getters & setters
	public int getRollId() {
		return rollNumber;
	public void setRollId(int rollId) {
		this.rollNumber = rollId;
	public String getName() {
		return name;
	public void setName(String name) { = name;
	public int getAge() {
		return age;
	public void setAge(int age) {
		this.age = age;

	// toString()
	public String toString() {
		return "Student [rollNumber=" + rollNumber 
				+ ", name=" + name 
				+ ", age=" + age 
				+ "]";


import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Predicate;


public class StreamAllMatchMethodForStudents {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		// list of students
		List<Student> students = Arrays.asList(
				new Student(1, "Viraj", 17),
				new Student(2, "Krishnanand", 18),
				new Student(3, "Rishi", 16),
				new Student(4, "Nair", 23),
				new Student(5, "Aditya", 21)

		// predicate 1 - name contains 'i'
		Predicate<Student> p1 = stud -> stud.getName().contains("i");

		// predicate 2 - age older than or equal to 16
		Predicate<Student> p2 = stud -> stud.getAge() >= 16;

		// combined predicate - p1 && p2
		Predicate<Student> p3 = p1.and(p2);

		// print all Students to console
		System.out.println("List of Students :-"); -> System.out.println(student));

		// 1. find whether all Student name contains 'i'
		boolean isContainsAlphai =;
		System.out.println("\n1. Whether all Student's name"
				+ " contains character 'i' ? " 
				+ isContainsAlphai);

		// 2. find whether all Student age is older/Equal to 16
		boolean isAgeGreaterEqualTo16 =;
		System.out.println("\n2. Whether all Student's Age"
				+ " greater than or Equal to 16 ? " 
				+ isAgeGreaterEqualTo16);

		// 3. Student name contains 'i' && age is older/Equal to 16
		boolean isContainsiAndAge16 =;
		System.out.println("\n3. Whether all Student's Name"
				+ " contains 'i' and Age greater than or Equal to 16 ? " 
				+ isContainsiAndAge16);

		// 4. Student name starts with 'V' && age is less/Equal to 15
		boolean isNameStartsWithVAndAge15 =
				stud -> (stud.getName().startsWith("V") && stud.getAge() <= 15));
		System.out.println("\n4. All Student's Name starts with 'V' "
				+ "and Age less than or Equal to 15 present ? " 
				+ isNameStartsWithVAndAge15);


List of Students :-
Student [rollNumber=1, name=Viraj, age=17]
Student [rollNumber=2, name=Krishnanand, age=18]
Student [rollNumber=3, name=Rishi, age=16]
Student [rollNumber=4, name=Nair, age=23]
Student [rollNumber=5, name=Aditya, age=21]

1. Whether all Student's name contains character 'i' ? true

2. Whether all Student's Age greater than or Equal to 16 ? true

3. Whether all Student's Name contains 'i' and Age greater than or Equal to 16 ? true

4. All Student's Name starts with 'V' and Age less than or Equal to 15 present ? false


Happy Coding !!
Happy Learning !!

Java 8 - Stream findFirst() v/s findAny() methods
Java 8 - Stream noneMatch() method with examples