In this article, we will discuss pre-defined Functional interface in Java 1.8 version.
There are around 40 pre-defined Funtional Interface in Java 1.8 version under java.util.function package. We will categorize each pre-defined Functional Interface on the basis no. of input/output argument or data-types.
1. One argument Pre-defined Functional Interface:
1.1 Predicate
- This pre-defined Functional Interface accepts input argument of any data-type and perform conditional checks and always return Boolean value true/false
- Method signature: boolean test(T t);
1.2 Function
- This pre-defined Functional Interface accepts input argument of any data-type and perform some operations and return result in any data-type
- Method signature: R apply(T t);
1.3 Consumer
- This pre-defined Functional Interface accepts input argument of any data-type and perform some operations and doesn’t return any result
- Method signature: void accept(T t);
1.4 Supplier
- This pre-defined Functional Interface doesn’t accepts any input argument but performs some operations and return result in any data-type
- Method signature: T get();
2. Two argument Pre-defined Functional Interface:
2.1 BiPredicate
- This pre-defined Functional Interface accepts 2 input arguments of any data-type and perform conditional checks and always return Boolean value true/false
- This is exactly same as Predicate, except that number of arguments BiPredicate accepts is 2 whereas Predicate accepts is just 1
- Method signature: boolean test(T t, U u);
2.2 BiFunction
- This pre-defined Functional Interface accepts 2 input arguments of any data-type and perform some operations and return result in any data-type
- This is exactly same as Function, except that number of arguments BiFunction accepts is 2 whereas Function accepts is just 1
- Method signature: R apply(T t, U u);
2.3 BiConsumer
- This pre-defined Functional Interface accepts input of any data-type and perform some operations and doesn’t return any result
- This is exactly same as Consumer except that, no. of arguments BiConsumer accepts is 2 whereas Consumer accepts is just 1
- Method signature: void accept(T t, U u);
3. Pre-defined primitive Predicate Functional Interface:
3.1 IntPredicate
- This pre-defined Predicate primitive Functional Interface accepts input argument of primitive-type int only and perform some conditional checks and always return Boolean value true/false
- Method signature: boolean test(int value);
3.2 LongPredicate
- This pre-defined Predicate primitive Functional Interface accepts input argument of primitive-type long only and perform some conditional checks and always return Boolean value true/false
- Method signature: boolean test(long value);
3.3 DoublePredicate
- This pre-defined Predicate primitive Functional Interface accepts input argument of primitive-type double and perform some conditional checks and always return Boolean value true/false
- Method signature: boolean test(double value);
4. Pre-defined primitive Function Functional Interface:
4.1 IntFunction
- This pre-defined Function primitive Functional Interface accepts input argument of primitive-type int and perform some operations and return result in any data-type
- Method signature: R apply(int value);
4.2 LongFunction
- This pre-defined Function primitive Functional Interface accepts input argument of primitive-type long and perform some operations and return result in any data-type
- Method signature: R apply(long value);
4.3 DoubleFunction
- This pre-defined Function primitive Functional Interface accepts input argument of primitive-type double and perform some operations and return result in any data-type
- Method signature: R apply(double value);
4.4 ToIntFunction
- This pre-defined Function primitive Functional Interface accepts input argument of any data-type and perform some operations and return result in primitive-type int only
- Method signature: int applyAsInt(T value);
4.5 ToLongFunction
- This pre-defined Function primitive Functional Interface accepts input argument of any data-type and perform some operations and return result in primitive-type long only
- Method signature: long applyAsLong(T value);
4.6 ToDoubleFunction
- This pre-defined Function primitive Functional Interface accepts input argument of any data-type and perform some operations and return result in primitive-type double only
- Method signature: double applyAsDouble(T value);
4.7 IntToLongFunction
- This pre-defined Function primitive Functional Interface accepts input argument of primitive-type int only and perform some operations and return result in primitive-type long only
- Method signature: long applyAsLong(int value);
4.8 IntToDoubleFunction
- This pre-defined Function primitive Functional Interface accepts input argument of primitive-type int only and perform some operations and return result in primitive-type double only
- Method signature: double applyAsDouble(int value);
4.9 LongToIntFunction
- This pre-defined Function primitive Functional Interface accepts input argument of primitive-type long only and perform some operations and return result in primitive-type int only
- Method signature: int applyAsInt(long value);
4.10 LongToDoubleFunction
- This pre-defined Function primitive Functional Interface accepts input argument of primitive-type long only and perform some operations and return result in primitive-type double only
- Method signature: double applyAsDouble(long value);
4.11 DoubleToIntFunction
- This pre-defined Function primitive Functional Interface accepts input argument of primitive-type double only and perform some operations and return result in primitive-type int only
- Method signature: int applyAsInt(double value);
4.12 DoubleToLongFunction
- This pre-defined Function primitive Functional Interface accepts input argument of primitive-type double only and perform some operations and return result in primitive-type long only
- Method signature: long applyAsLong(double value);
5. Pre-defined primitive BiFunction Functional Interface:
5.1 ToIntBiFunction
- This pre-defined Function primitive Functional Interface accepts 2 input arguments of any data-type and perform some operations and return result in primitive-type int only
- Method signature: int applyAsInt(T value);
5.2 ToLongBiFunction
- This pre-defined Function primitive Functional Interface accepts 2 input arguments of any data-type and perform some operations and return result in primitive-type long only
- Method signature: long applyAsLong(T t, U u);
5.3 ToDoubleBiFunction
- This pre-defined Function primitive Functional Interface accepts 2 input arguments of any data-type and perform some operations and return result in primitive-type double only
- Method signature: double applyAsDouble(T t, U u);
6. Pre-defined primitive Consumer Functional Interface:
6.1 IntConsumer
- This pre-defined Consumer primitive Functional Interface accepts input argument of primitive-type int only and perform some operations and doesn’t return any result
- Method signature: void accept(int value);
6.2 LongConsumer
- This pre-defined Consumer primitive Functional Interface accepts input argument of primitive-type long only and perform some operations and doesn’t return any result
- Method signature: void accept(long value);
6.3 DoubleConsumer
- This pre-defined Consumer primitive Functional Interface accepts input argument of primitive-type double only and perform some operations and doesn’t return any result
- Method signature: void accept(double value);
6.4 ObjIntConsumer
- This pre-defined Consumer primitive Functional Interface accepts 2 input arguments of Object type & primitive-type int only and perform some operations and doesn’t return any result
- Method signature: void accept(T t, int value);
6.5 ObjLongConsumer
- This pre-defined Consumer primitive Functional Interface accepts 2 input arguments of Object type & primitive-type long only and perform some operations and doesn’t return any result
- Method signature: void accept(T t, long value);
6.6 ObjDoubleConsumer
- This pre-defined Consumer primitive Functional Interface accepts 2 input arguments of Object type & primitive-type double only and perform some operations and doesn’t return any result
- Method signature: void accept(T t, double value);
7. Pre-defined primitive Supplier Functional Interface:
7.1 IntSupplier
- This pre-defined Supplier primitive Functional Interface doesn’t accepts any input argument but perform some operations and return result in primitive-type int only
- Method signature: int getAsInt();
7.2 LongSupplier
- This pre-defined Supplier primitive Functional Interface doesn’t accepts any input argument but perform some operations and return result in primitive-type long only
- Method signature: long getAsLong();
7.3 DoubleSupplier
- This pre-defined Supplier primitive Functional Interface doesn’t accepts any input argument but perform some operations and return result in primitive-type double only
- Method signature: void accept(double value);
7.4 BooleanSupplier
- This pre-defined Supplier primitive Functional Interface doesn’t accepts any input argument but perform some operations and return result in primitive-type boolean only
- Method signature: boolean getAsBoolean();
8. UnaryOperator and its primitive Functional Interface:
8.1 UnaryOperator
- When both input & output arguments are of same type, then instead of going for Function, use UnaryOperator Functional Interface
- This is basically performance improvised/optimized version of java.util.function.Function interface
- Also UnaryOperator interface extends Function interface
8.2 IntUnaryOperator
- When both input & output arguments are of primitive-type int, then use UnaryOperator<Integer> Functional Interface which has method applyAsInt();
- Method signature: int applyAsInt(int operand);
8.3 LongUnaryOperator
- When both input & output arguments are of primitive-type long, then use UnaryOperator<Long> Functional Interface which has method applyAsLong();
- Method signature: long applyAsLong(long operand);
8.4 DoubleUnaryOperator
- When both input & output arguments are of primitive-type double, then use UnaryOperator<Double> Functional Interface which has method applyAsDouble();
- Method signature: double applyAsDouble(double operand);
9. BinaryOperator and its primitive Functional Interface:
9.1 BinaryOperator
- When there are 2 input arguments & output argument are of same type, then instead of going for BiFunction, use BinaryOperator Functional Interface
- This is basically performance improvised/optimized version of java.util.function.BiFunction interface
- And BinaryOperator interface extends BiFunction interface
9.2 IntBinaryOperator
- When there are 2 input arguments & output arguments are of primitive-type int, then use BinaryOperator<Integer> Functional Interface which has method applyAsInt();
- Method signature: int applyAsInt(int left, int right);
9.3 LongBinaryOperator
- When there are 2 input arguments & output arguments are of primitive-type long, then use BinaryOperator<Long> Functional Interface which has method applyAsLong();
- Method signature: long applyAsLong(long left, long right);
9.4 DoubleBinaryOperator
- When there are 2 input arguments & output arguments are of primitive-type double, then use BinaryOperator<Double> Functional Interface which has method applyAsDouble();
- Method signature: double applyAsDouble(double left, double right);
Happy Coding !!
Happy Learning !!