Java – Difference between throws-clause and try-catch-finally blocks ?

In this article, we will discuss differences between throws-clause and try-catch-finally block in Java

1. Java Exception handling:

There are 5 keywords related to Exception Handling; those are

  • try
  • catch
  • throw
  • throws
  • finally

2. try-catch-finally combination:

We can use 3 combination of try-catch-finally in Java methods; those combination are

3. throw and throws (with an extra S):

  • throw is used to throw exception from executing block; it could be try-block or catch-block (from inside a method)
  • throws is used to indicate that particular method is possibly throws these exceptions; again method can throws any number of exceptions

4. Difference between throws clause and try-catch block ?

  • As explained above, throws clause is used to indicate that particular exception is possibly thrown from executing method at run-time
  • Whereas try-catch block is used to handle exception scenario
  • Like, if any particular exception is thrown from try block;
  • then corresponding catch-block catches that particular exception and we can take necessary action from there ON (this is some kind of coding stuff)
try-catch blockthrows keyword
Using try-catch block, we can handle exception surrounding code that might raise an exceptionWhereas using throws keyword, we can simply declare exception that might raise from that method
Caught exception in the catch block can be re-thrown after some alterationThere is no such flexibility, as its directly throws exception
try-catch block ensures graceful termination for that particular method


Except one scenario when catch block throws exception

Doesn’t guarantee graceful termination


In most cases, throws declaration leads to abnormal termination

Hope, it help to understand most of the things related to Java Exception Handling

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