Java – throws keyword or clause

In this article, we will discuss throws keyword or throws clause in detail with example

1. try-catch block:

Whenever a program might raise exception, then it must be handled. In all earlier articles, we handled exception using try-catch block. For example,

But try-catch block isn’t only option to handle exception; let us remove try-catch block from one of the examples that we already discussed and see what exactly compiler has to say

From above screen capture, it is clear that whenever a program might raise/throw exception, then are there are 2 options to handle that exception

  1. surrounding with try-catch block (Surrounding with try/catch)
  2. using throws clause (Add throws declaration)

Note: compiler force the programmer to handle only checked exception

2. throws keyword or throws clause:

  • throws keyword is used to declare exception that might raise during program execution
  • whenever exception might thrown from program, then programmer doesn’t necessarily need to handle that exception using try-catch block instead simply declare that exception using throws clause next to method signature
  • But this forces/tells caller-method to handle that exception; but again caller can handle that exception using try-catch block or re-declare those exception with throws clause/keyword
  • In other words it can also be stated that, it provides information to caller-method, that possible exception might raise during program execution and it need to be handled
  • Note: use of throws clause doesn’t necessarily mean that program will terminate normally rather it is the information to the caller to handle for normal termination
  • Any number of exceptions can be specified using throws clause, but they are all need to be separated by comma (,)
  • throws clause is applicable to methods & constructor but strictly not applicable to classes
  • Compiler forces programmer to handle only checked exception; so it can be handled either-way using throws clause or try-catch block
  • For unchecked exception, it is programmer choice; as unchecked exception by default propagated back to the caller method when it isn’t handled
  • In addition to checked & unchecked exception, user-defined exception or custom exception can also be specified using throws clause
  • But user-defined exception or custom exception must be of type Throwable class or one of its sub-class (i.e.; extend either Throwable class or any one of its sub-class like Exception, IOException, RuntimeException, Error, etc)
  • Otherwise, compile-time error will be thrown stating “incompatible type

Syntax of throws clause:

public static void printFileContent() throws FileNotFoundException;

We will cover various cases for throws clause, like

  1. Handling checked exception using try-catch block by caller-method
  2. Re-declaring checked exception using throws clause by caller-method
  3. Default exception propagation for unchecked exception
  4. Any number of exceptions can be declared using throws clause
  5. Constructor can also declare exception using throws clause

2.1 Caller method handling checked exception using try-catch block, when it encounters throws clause in the target method

package in.bench.resources.exception.handling;


public class CallerHandlingExceptionUsingTryCatchBlock {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		// invoking method
		try {
		catch (FileNotFoundException fnfex) {
			System.out.println("Exception handled ... \n" +

	// throws clause for checked exception
	public static void printFileContent()
			throws FileNotFoundException {

		// assumed that,
		// we are trying to access file from remote location
		FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(

		// reading & processing file


Exception handled ...
D:\Folder\test.txt (The system cannot find the path specified)

2.2 Caller method re-declare checked exceptions using throws clause, when it encounters throws clause in the target method

package in.bench.resources.exception.handling;


public class CallerHandlingExceptionUsingThrowsClause {

	public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {

		// invoking method

		System.out.println("Successful : reading and processing completed !!");

	// throws clause for checked exception
	public static void printFileContent() throws FileNotFoundException {

		// assumed that, we are trying to access file from remote location
		FileReader fileReader = new FileReader("test.txt");

		// reading and processing file


Successful : reading and processing completed !!


  • If the specified path isn’t available at runtime during program execution then invoking method with “throws FileNotFoundException” result in raising exception which is propagated to caller-method i.e.; main() method
  • main() method also doesn’t handle exception rather it is re-declared, and
  • therefore program terminates abnormally
  • finally prints stack trace in the console

2.3 Default exception propagation for unchecked exception

package in.bench.resources.exception.handling;

public class ThrowsKeywordWithUncheckedException {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		// invoking method

	public static void anotherMethod(String str) {

		if(str == null){
			throw new NullPointerException(
					"Please send some valid String");

		// further processing with the string value


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException:
			Please send some valid String
			at in.bench.resources.exception.handling
			at in.bench.resources.exception.handling


  • When unchecked exception is thrown/raised then compiler never complains with compile-time error
  • Reason: it is due to the lack of proper coding and pre-condition checking by programmer
  • Therefore, it is duty of programmer to do proper coding to handle all possible types of unchecked exception in the program
  • Otherwise, program terminate abruptly when last entry of the runtime stack is reached and
  • default exception handler takes care of printing exception information in the console

2.4 Any number of exceptions can be declared using throws clause, with each exception-type is separated by comma (,)

package in.bench.resources.exception.handling;


public class NumberOfExceptionsDeclaredUsingThrowsClause {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		// invoking method
		try {
		catch (FileNotFoundException fnfex) {
			System.out.println("Exception handled ... \n"
					+ fnfex.getMessage());

	// throws clause for checked exception
	public static void printFileContent()
			throws FileNotFoundException, ArithmeticException,
			NullPointerException {

		// assumed that,
		// we are trying to access file from remote location
		FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(

		// reading & processing file

		// arithmetic calculation
		int result = 19/0;

		// string computation
		String str = null;
		System.out.println("The length of the String is : "
				+ str.length());


  • From above example, it is clear that using throws clause, any number of exception can be declared with comma separating them
  • There are 3 types of exceptions are declared (both including checked & unchecked exception)
  • Whenever checked-exception is raised/thrown, then compiler forces/tells programmer to handle exception either with try-catch block or throws clause
  • For unchecked-exception like ArithmeticException or NullPointerException, it is propagated back up in the runtime stack by-default and compiler never complain with any compile-time error
  • That’s reason, caller-method has to handle only FileNotFoundException
  • Whereas it is a choice to programmer either to handle unchecked-exception for graceful termination or else it will be handled by Default exception handler when no handler-code is available
  • Giving control to Default exception handler result in abnormal termination

2.5 Constructor can also declare exception using throws clause

  • It is valid to declare exception for Constructor using throws clause
  • This is required whenever Constructor does some job which might raise exception while constructing Object
  • In the below example, Constructor tries to read file from some drive location which might raise FileNotFoundException (or it’s super-type IOException) when Object is constructed

package in.bench.resources.exception.handling;


public class ConstructorDeclaringExceptionUsingThrowsClause {

	// default constructor
	public ConstructorDeclaringExceptionUsingThrowsClause(String str)
			throws FileNotFoundException {

		// assumed that,
		// we are trying to access file from remote location
		FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(str);

		// reading & processing file
		System.out.println("Successful: File reading and processing done !!");

	public static void main(String[] args)
			throws FileNotFoundException {

		ConstructorDeclaringExceptionUsingThrowsClause cdeutc =
			   new ConstructorDeclaringExceptionUsingThrowsClause(


Successful: File reading and processing done !!

3. Try-catch block v/s throws clause for checked exception:

  • Whenever we try to handle some checked-exception using try-catch block and that checked-exception might never raise then compile-time error will be thrown stating “Unreachable catch block for IOException. This exception is never thrown from the try statement body
  • This is applicable only when handling checked-exception using try-catch block; but compiler never throws compile-time error for declared checked exception using throws clause

Error-scenario : Screen-capture for try-catch block when checked exception never arises

4. No error for throws clause:

  • Screen-capture for throws clause when checked exception never arise
  • But when same checked exception is declared using throws clause, then it never complains & also never raises any compile-time error like in earlier case

In the following articles, we will see

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Happy Coding !!
Happy Learning !!

Java - throw v/s throws
Java - throw keyword or clause