Java – HashMap v/s LinkedHashMap v/s TreeMap

In this article, we will compare important implementation classes of Map i.e.; HashMap v/s LinkedHashMap v/s TreeMap

So let’s us discuss in tabular format;

1. HashMap v/s LinkedHashMap v/s TreeMap :

Uses hash table to store key-value pairs (i.e.; map entries) where duplicate keys are NOT allowedUses combination of (hash table + LinkedList) to store key-value pairs (i.e.; map entries) where duplicate keys are NOT allowedUses Red-Black tree to store key-value pairs (i.e.; map entries) where duplicate keys are NOT allowed
Insertion-order is NOT maintained, as it uses hashing technique to store key-value pairs (i.e.; map entries)Insertion-order is maintained, as it uses doubly-linked list to store key-value pairs (i.e.; map entries)Insertion-order is NOT maintained, as key-value pairs (i.e.; map entries) are stored according to some sorting-order
HashMap doesn’t deal with  sorting-order; but it can be converted to TreeMap to store key-value pairs (i.e.; map entries) in some sorting-order


TreeMap ts = new TreeMap(hashMap);

LinkedHashMap doesn’t deal with  sorting-order; but it can be converted to TreeMap to store key-value pairs (i.e.; map entries) in some sorting-order


TreeMap ts = new TreeMap(linkedHashMap);

Keys in TreeMap are sorted, according to some sorting-order; it could be either default natural sorting-order or programmer defined customized sorting-order
While iterating HashMap, we will get items in random-orderWhile iterating LinkedHashMap, we will get items as per insertion-orderWhile iterating TreeMap, we will get items in sorted-order;  either natural-ordering or customized sorting-order
This is introduced in original collection framework in Java 1.2 versionThis is introduced in Java 1.4 versionThis is also introduced in original collection framework in Java 1.2 version
Key: Allows NULL insertion but maximum of only one NULL value


Value: No upper limit for NULL values against any unique key

Key: Allows NULL insertion but maximum of only one NULL value


Value: No upper limit for NULL values against any unique key

Key: From Java 1.7 version, NULL is not allowed to insert;
But with Java version less than 1.7, maximum of 1 NULL allowed as 1st elementValue: No upper limit for NULL values against any unique key

2. Refer for detailed explanation:

  1. HashMap with example
  2. LinkedHashMap with example
  3. TreeMap with example
  4. HashMap v/s LinkedHashMap

 Source: Team BenchResources.Net

3. Java program using HashMap, LinkedHashMap and TreeMap :

package in.bench.resources.collection;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;

public class MapExample {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		// 1. Creating HashMap object
		Map<Integer, String> hashMap =
				new HashMap<Integer, String>();

		// 1.1 add few entries
		hashMap.put(40, "RajKumarHirani");
		hashMap.put(50, "SanjayLeelaBanshali");
		hashMap.put(20, "Shankar");
		hashMap.put(10, "ManiRatnam");
		hashMap.put(30, "RajaMouli");

		// 1.2 get entrySet()
		Set<Map.Entry>Integer, String>> entries = hashMap.entrySet();	

		System.out.println("Displaying HashMap entries"
				+ " in Random-order : \n");

		// 1.3 Iterate using enhanced for-Each loop
		for(Map.Entry<Integer, String> entry : entries) {
			System.out.println("Rank : " + entry.getKey()
					+ "\t Director : " + entry.getValue());

		// 2. Creating LinkedHashMap object
		Map<Integer, String> linkedHashMap =
				new LinkedHashMap<Integer, String>();

		// 2.1 add few entries
		linkedHashMap.put(20, "Shankar");
		linkedHashMap.put(50, "SanjayLeelaBanshali");
		linkedHashMap.put(40, "RajKumarHirani");
		linkedHashMap.put(10, "ManiRatnam");
		linkedHashMap.put(30, "RajaMouli");

		// 2.2 get keySet()
		Set<Integer> keys = linkedHashMap.keySet();

		System.out.println("\nDisplaying LinkedHashMap entries"
				+ " as per Insertion-order : \n");

		// 2.3 Iterate using enhanced for-Each loop
		for(Integer rank : keys) {
			System.out.println("Rank : " + rank
					+ "\t Director : " + linkedHashMap.get(rank));

		// 3. Creating HashSet object
		Map<Integer, String> treeMap =
				new TreeMap<Integer, String>();

		// 3.1 add few entries
		treeMap.put(40, "RajKumarHirani");
		treeMap.put(20, "Shankar");
		treeMap.put(50, "SanjayLeelaBanshali");
		treeMap.put(10, "ManiRatnam");
		treeMap.put(30, "RajaMouli");

		// 3.2 get keySet()
		Set<Integer> ranks = treeMap.keySet();

		System.out.println("\nDisplaying TreeMap entries"
				+ " as per ASC Sorting-order : \n");

		// 3.3 Iterate using enhanced for-Each loop
		for(Integer rank : ranks) {
			System.out.println("Rank : " + rank
					+ "\t Director : " + treeMap.get(rank));


Displaying HashMap entries in Random-order : 

Rank : 50	 Director : SanjayLeelaBanshali
Rank : 20	 Director : Shankar
Rank : 40	 Director : RajKumarHirani
Rank : 10	 Director : ManiRatnam
Rank : 30	 Director : RajaMouli

Displaying LinkedHashMap entries as per Insertion-order : 

Rank : 20	 Director : Shankar
Rank : 50	 Director : SanjayLeelaBanshali
Rank : 40	 Director : RajKumarHirani
Rank : 10	 Director : ManiRatnam
Rank : 30	 Director : RajaMouli

Displaying TreeMap entries as per ASC Sorting-order : 

Rank : 10	 Director : ManiRatnam
Rank : 20	 Director : Shankar
Rank : 30	 Director : RajaMouli
Rank : 40	 Director : RajKumarHirani
Rank : 50	 Director : SanjayLeelaBanshali

4. Factors to consider while discussing any collection class:

We should consider below factors while discussing any implementation class of collection framework or for that matter Map interface,

  • Underlying data structure
  • Duplicates are allowed or Not
  • Insertion order is maintained or Not
  • Whether NULL insertion is possible or Not
  • If possible, how many NULL values can be inserted
  • Whether collection class provide sorting, by default
  • Is there any way to apply customized sorting
  • Performance, while dealing with retrieval or manipulation (addition/deletion)
  • By default, all methods are synchronized or Not


Happy Coding !!
Happy Learning !!

Java - HashMap v/s HashSet
Java - TreeMap class with example