Java 8 – Comparator.reversed() method

In this article, we will discuss how to sort list using Java 8 Comparator’s default method – reversed() which returns a comparator for sorting in reverse ordering

1. Comparator.reversed() method :

  • Returns a comparator that imposes the reverse ordering of this comparator
  • This is the default method defined in Comparator interface
  • Method signature :-
    • default Comparator<T> reversed()
  • Where
    • T is the Comparable type of element to be compared

2. Comparator.reversed() examples :

  • This is the default method introduced in Java 8 Comparator interface to get reverse of the original Comparator
  • For example, we have got a Comparator which sorts a list in increasing order (or ascending-order) then we can simply invoke reversed() method on this original Comparator to get reverse Comparator which sorts in decreasing order (or descending-order)

package net.bench.resources.java8.comparator.sorting;

public class Product {

	// member variables
	private int id;
	private String name;
	private long quantity;
	private double price;

	// 4-arg parameterized constructor

	// getters and setters

	// toString() method

2.1 To sort Product list in decreasing order of its price

  • A list contains Product information for 5 as per insertion-order
  • First, we are going to sort the Product list on the basis of increasing price
  • Second, we are going to sort the Product list on the basis of decreasing price
package net.bench.resources.java8.comparator.sorting;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;

public class SortingProductListWithPrice {

	// List of Products
	private static List<Product> getProductList() {

		return Arrays.asList(
				new Product(101, "Wheat", 1089L, 36.89),
				new Product(102, "Rice", 502L, 58.19),
				new Product(103, "Lentils", 803L, 102.45),
				new Product(104, "Oil", 208L, 164.75),
				new Product(105, "Vegetables", 303L, 45.50)

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		// 1. get Product list
		List<Product> products = getProductList();

		// 1.1 print to console
		System.out.println("Original Product list as per insertion-order :- \n");
		products.forEach(System.out::println); // iterating/printing

		// 2. sorting in ascending order of Product price
		System.out.println("\nIncreasing price - Sorted Product list :- \n");

		// 2.1 get comparator for sorting according to increasing Price
		Comparator<Product> priceComparatorAsc = Comparator
				.comparing(Product::getPrice); // increasing order

		products // original data source
		.stream() // 1. get sequential stream
		.sorted(priceComparatorAsc) // 2. sorting increasing Price
		.forEach(System.out::println); // 3. iterating/printing

		// 3. sorting in descending order of Product price
		System.out.println("\nDecreasing price - Sorted Product list :- \n");

		// 3.1 get comparator for sorting according to decreasing Price
		Comparator<Product> priceComparatorDesc = Comparator
				.comparing(Product::getPrice) // increasing order
				.reversed(); // decreasing order

		products // original data source
		.stream() // 1. get sequential stream
		.sorted(priceComparatorDesc) // 2. sorting decreasing Price
		.forEach(System.out::println); // 3. iterating/printing


Original Product list as per insertion-order :- 

Product [id=101, name=Wheat, quantity=1089, price=36.89]
Product [id=102, name=Rice, quantity=502, price=58.19]
Product [id=103, name=Lentils, quantity=803, price=102.45]
Product [id=104, name=Oil, quantity=208, price=164.75]
Product [id=105, name=Vegetables, quantity=303, price=45.5]

Increasing price - Sorted Product list :- 

Product [id=101, name=Wheat, quantity=1089, price=36.89]
Product [id=105, name=Vegetables, quantity=303, price=45.5]
Product [id=102, name=Rice, quantity=502, price=58.19]
Product [id=103, name=Lentils, quantity=803, price=102.45]
Product [id=104, name=Oil, quantity=208, price=164.75]

Decreasing price - Sorted Product list :- 

Product [id=104, name=Oil, quantity=208, price=164.75]
Product [id=103, name=Lentils, quantity=803, price=102.45]
Product [id=102, name=Rice, quantity=502, price=58.19]
Product [id=105, name=Vegetables, quantity=303, price=45.5]
Product [id=101, name=Wheat, quantity=1089, price=36.89]

3. Before Java 8 approach and reversed() :

  • Before Java 8, we have to write/code separate Comparator for comparing on the basis of one/more attributes defined in the Object for example, Student, Employee, Person, Product, etc.
  • In this illustration, we are going to write ProductComparator for comparing its quantity for the list of Products
  • Comparator returned from this class helps to sort list of Products according to increasing order (or ascending-order) of quantity

package net.bench.resources.java8.comparator.sorting;

import java.util.Comparator;

public class ProductComparator implements Comparator<Product> {

	public int compare(Product prod1, Product prod2) {
		return, prod2.getQuantity());

3.1 To sort Product list in decreasing order of its quantity

  • A list contains Product information for 5 as per insertion-order
  • First, we are going to sort the Product list on the basis of increasing quantity
  • Second, we are going to sort the Product list on the basis of decreasing quantity
package net.bench.resources.java8.comparator.sorting;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;

public class SortingProductListWithQuantity {

	// List of Products
	private static List<Product> getProductList() {

		return Arrays.asList(
				new Product(101, "Wheat", 1089L, 36.89),
				new Product(102, "Rice", 502L, 58.19),
				new Product(103, "Lentils", 803L, 102.45),
				new Product(104, "Oil", 208L, 164.75),
				new Product(105, "Vegetables", 303L, 45.50)

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		// 1. get Product list
		List<Product> products = getProductList();

		// 1.1 print to console
		System.out.println("Original Product list as per insertion-order :- \n");
		products.forEach(System.out::println); // iterating/printing

		// 2. sorting in ascending order of Product quantity
		System.out.println("\nIncreasing quantity - Sorted Product list :- \n");

		// 2.1 get comparator for sorting according to increasing quantity
		Comparator<Product> qtyComparatorAsc = 
				new ProductComparator(); // increasing quantity

		products // original data source
		.stream() // 1. get sequential stream
		.sorted(qtyComparatorAsc) // 2. sorting increasing quantity
		.forEach(System.out::println); // 3. iterating/printing

		// 3. sorting in descending order of Product quantity
		System.out.println("\nDecreasing quantity - Sorted Product list :- \n");

		// 3.1 get comparator for sorting according to decreasing quantity
		Comparator<Product> qtyComparatorDesc = 
				new ProductComparator() // increasing order
				.reversed(); // decreasing order

		products // original data source
		.stream() // 1. get sequential stream
		.sorted(qtyComparatorDesc) // 2. sorting decreasing quantity
		.forEach(System.out::println); // 3. iterating/printing


Original Product list as per insertion-order :- 

Product [id=101, name=Wheat, quantity=1089, price=36.89]
Product [id=102, name=Rice, quantity=502, price=58.19]
Product [id=103, name=Lentils, quantity=803, price=102.45]
Product [id=104, name=Oil, quantity=208, price=164.75]
Product [id=105, name=Vegetables, quantity=303, price=45.5]

Increasing quantity - Sorted Product list :- 

Product [id=104, name=Oil, quantity=208, price=164.75]
Product [id=105, name=Vegetables, quantity=303, price=45.5]
Product [id=102, name=Rice, quantity=502, price=58.19]
Product [id=103, name=Lentils, quantity=803, price=102.45]
Product [id=101, name=Wheat, quantity=1089, price=36.89]

Decreasing quantity - Sorted Product list :- 

Product [id=101, name=Wheat, quantity=1089, price=36.89]
Product [id=103, name=Lentils, quantity=803, price=102.45]
Product [id=102, name=Rice, quantity=502, price=58.19]
Product [id=105, name=Vegetables, quantity=303, price=45.5]
Product [id=104, name=Oil, quantity=208, price=164.75]


Happy Coding !!
Happy Learning !!

Java 8 – Comparator.comparing() method
Java 8 - Comparator.naturalOrder() and Comparator.reverseOrder()