Java 9 – Find difference between two OffsetDateTime instances upto nanosecond precision ?

In this article, we will learn how to find difference between two OffsetDateTime instances up-to Nanosecond precision using newly introduced methods in Java 1.9 version

Find difference between two OffsetDateTime instances up-to Nano precision :

  • To find difference between two OffsetDateTime instances, first we need to segregate Date & Time parts as there is no way to find difference between them directly
  • To segregate Date and Time parts separately, we can use toLocalDate() and toLocalTime() methods of OffsetDateTime
    • toLocalDate() – gets the LocalDate part of invoking OffsetDateTime
    • toLocalTime() – gets the LocalTime part of invoking OffsetDateTime
  • Use Period.between() method to find difference between 2 LocalDate instances
    • Period.between() method accepts 2 input-arguments and returns difference of two LocalDate,
      1. Pass organization joining date as 1st argument
      2. Pass organization relieving date as 2nd argument
    • Period class has many useful method like,
      1. getYears() – returns numbers of years between 2 LocalDate instances
      2. getMonths() – returns numbers of months between 2 LocalDate instances
      3. getDays() – returns numbers of days between 2 LocalDate instances
  • Similarly, use Duration.between() method to find difference between 2 LocalTime instances
    • Duration.between() method accepts 2 input-arguments and returns difference of two LocalTime,
      1. Pass office start time as 1st argument
      2. Pass office end time as 2nd argument
    • Duration class has many useful methods like,
      1. toHoursPart​() – Extracts the number of hours part in the duration
      2. toMinutesPart​() – Extracts the number of minutes part in the duration
      3. toSecondsPart​() – Extracts the number of seconds part in the duration
      4. toMillisPart​() – Extracts the number of milliseconds part of the duration
      5. toNanosPart​() – get the nanoseconds part within seconds of the duration
  • Finally print Time Period/Duration spent in an organization to the console

package in.bench.resources.java9.conversion;

import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.OffsetDateTime;
import java.time.Period;
import java.time.ZoneOffset;

public class FindDifferenceOfTwoOffsetDateTime {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		// get default Offset
		ZoneOffset zoneOffset = ZoneOffset.of("+05:30");
		System.out.println("Default Offset is :- \n" + zoneOffset);

		// 1. organization joining date
		OffsetDateTime joiningDateTime = OffsetDateTime
				.of(2017, 3, 6, 10, 32, 56, 123456789, zoneOffset);
		System.out.println("\nOrganization Joining Date/time is :- \n" + joiningDateTime);

		// 2. organization relieving date
		OffsetDateTime relievingDateTime = OffsetDateTime
				.of(2019, 6, 28, 20, 31, 43, 987654321, zoneOffset);
		System.out.println("\nOrganization Relieving Date/time is :- \n" + relievingDateTime);

		// 3. difference between 2 LocalDate - Days spent in a organization
		Period period = Period.between(
		System.out.println("\nPeriod between 2 LocalDate is :- \n" + period);

		// 3.1 get difference of years/months/days
		int years = period.getYears();
		int months = period.getMonths();
		int days = period.getDays();

		// 4. difference between 2 LocalTime - Time duration spent in Office
		Duration duration = Duration.between(
		System.out.println("\nTime Duration between 2 LocalTime is :- \n" + duration);

		// 4.1 get difference in hours/minutes/seconds/millis/nanos
		int hours = duration.toHoursPart();
		int minutes = duration.toMinutesPart();
		long seconds = duration.toSecondsPart();
		int millis = duration.toMillisPart();
		int nanos = duration.toNanosPart();

		// 5. print to console
		System.out.print("\nPeriod & Time Duration spent in an Organization is :- \n"
				+ years + " Years " 
				+ months + " Months " 
				+ days + " Days "
				+ hours + " Hours " 
				+ minutes + " Minutes "
				+ seconds + " Seconds "
				+ millis + " Millisecond "
				+ nanos + " Nanosecond");


Default Offset is :- 

Organization Joining Date/time is :- 

Organization Relieving Date/time is :- 

Period between 2 LocalDate is :- 

Time Duration between 2 LocalTime is :- 

Period & Time Duration spent in an Organization is :- 
2 Years 3 Months 22 Days 9 Hours 58 Minutes 47 Seconds 864 Millisecond 864197532 Nanosecond

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Happy Coding !!
Happy Learning !!

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