Java – How to remove first and last character from a String ?

In this article, we will learn how to remove 1st and last character from a String using String‘s methods and StringBuffer/StringBuilder method in different ways

Before proceeding further, read the difference between String, StringBuffer and StringBuilder

Remove first & last character from a String :

  • Using String.substring() method
  • Using String.toCharArray() method
  • Using StringBuffer.deleteCharAt() method
  • Using StringBuilder.deleteCharAt() method

1. Using String.substring() method :

  • String.substring(startIndex, endIndex) method returns partial string from the invoking string as per the specified start index-position and end index-position
    • str.substring(1) returns substring starting from 1st index-position till end leaving the 1st character ‘B
    • str.substring(0, str.length()-1) returns substring starting from 0th index-position till string length minus one leaving the last character ‘s
  • Note: startIndex is inclusive and endIndex is exclusive
  • Read Java – String substring(int beginIndex, int endIndex) method for more details and examples

package in.bench.resources.string.methods;

public class RemoveFirstAndLastCharacterFromString1 {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		// test String
		String str = "BenchResources";
		System.out.println("Original String :- \n" 
				+ str);

		// remove 1st char using String.substring() method
		String firstCharRemovedStr = str.substring(1);
		System.out.println("\nAfter removing First character from String '" + str + "' is :- \n" 
				+ firstCharRemovedStr);

		// remove last char using String.substring() method
		String lastCharRemovedStr = str.substring(0, str.length()-1);
		System.out.print("\nAfter removing Last character in the String '" + str + "' is :- \n" 
				+ lastCharRemovedStr);


Original String :- 

After removing First character from String 'BenchResources' is :- 

After removing Last character in the String 'BenchResources' is :- 

2. Using String.toCharArray() method :

  • String.toCharArray() method returns character[] Arrays for the invoking string
    • Iterate through converted char[] Arrays from 1st index-position till end leaving the 1st character ‘B
    • Iterate through converted char[] Arrays from 0th index-position till char Array length minus one leaving the last character ‘s
  • Read Java – String toCharArray() method for more details and examples

package in.bench.resources.string.methods;

import java.util.Arrays;

public class RemoveFirstAndLastCharacterFromString2 {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		// test String
		String str = "BenchResources";
		System.out.println("Original String :- \n" 
				+ str);

		// convert String to char[] Arrays
		char[] chArrays = str.toCharArray();
		System.out.println("\nString to char[] Arrays :- \n" 
				+ Arrays.toString(chArrays));

		// remove 1st char using index-position
		System.out.println("\nAfter removing First character from String '" + str + "' is :- ");
		for(int index = 1; index < chArrays.length; index++) {

		// remove last char using index-position
		System.out.println("\n\nAfter removing Last character in the String '" + str + "' is :- ");
		for(int index = 0; index < chArrays.length-1; index++) {


Original String :- 

String to char[] Arrays :- 
[B, e, n, c, h, R, e, s, o, u, r, c, e, s]

After removing First character from String 'BenchResources' is :- 

After removing Last character in the String 'BenchResources' is :- 

3. Using StringBuffer.deleteCharAt() method :

  • StringBuffer.deleteCharAt(index) method deletes a single character at the specified index-position
    • StringBuffer.deleteCharAt(0) deletes character at the 0th index-position i.e., 1st character and returns remaining string
    • StringBuffer.deleteCharAt(str.length() – 1) deletes character at the last index-position i.e. last character and returns remaining string
  • Note: difference between String and StringBuffer Java – String v/s StringBuffer
  • Read Java – StringBuffer charAt(int index) method for more details and examples

package in.bench.resources.string.methods;

public class RemoveFirstAndLastCharacterFromString3 {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		// test String
		String str = "BenchResources";
		System.out.println("Original String :- \n" 
				+ str);

		// remove 1st char using index-position
		StringBuffer stringBuffer1 = new StringBuffer(str);
		String firstCharRemovedStr = stringBuffer1.deleteCharAt(0).toString();
		System.out.println("\nAfter removing First character from String '" + str + "' is :- \n" 
				+ firstCharRemovedStr);

		// remove last char using index-position
		StringBuffer stringBuffer2 = new StringBuffer(str);
		String lastCharRemovedStr = stringBuffer2.deleteCharAt(str.length()-1).toString();
		System.out.print("\nAfter removing Last character from String '" + str + "' is :- \n" 
				+ lastCharRemovedStr);


Original String :- 

After removing First character from String 'BenchResources' is :- 

After removing Last character from String 'BenchResources' is :- 

4. Using StringBuilder.deleteCharAt() method :

  • StringBuilder.deleteCharAt(index) method deletes a single character at the specified index-position
    • StringBuilder.deleteCharAt(0) deletes character at the 0th index-position i.e., 1st character and returns remaining string
    • StringBuilder.deleteCharAt(str.length() – 1) deletes character at the last index-position i.e. last character and returns remaining string
  • Note: difference between StringBuilder and StringBuffer Java – StringBuffer v/s StringBuilder
  • Read Java – StringBuilder charAt(int index) method for more details and examples

package in.bench.resources.string.methods;

public class RemoveFirstAndLastCharacterFromString4 {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		// test String
		String str = "BenchResources";
		System.out.println("Original String :- \n" 
				+ str);

		// remove 1st char using index-position
		StringBuilder stringBuilder1 = new StringBuilder(str);
		String firstCharRemovedStr = stringBuilder1.deleteCharAt(0).toString();
		System.out.println("\nAfter removing First character from String '" + str + "' is :- \n" 
				+ firstCharRemovedStr);

		// remove last char using index-position
		StringBuilder stringBuilder2 = new StringBuilder(str);
		String lastCharRemovedStr = stringBuilder2.deleteCharAt(str.length()-1).toString();
		System.out.print("\nAfter removing  Last character from String '" + str + "' is :- \n" 
				+ lastCharRemovedStr);


Original String :- 

After removing First character from String 'BenchResources' is :- 

After removing  Last character from String 'BenchResources' is :- 

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References :

Happy Coding !!
Happy Learning !!

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