Java – String toUpperCase() method

In this article, we will discuss how to convert each individual characters inside a String into a uppercase character using String’s toUpperCase() method

1. String’s toUpperCase() method:

  • This String method is used to convert invoking sequence/string into uppercase characters
  • That’s all character present in string/sequence

1.1 Method Signature:

public String toUpperCase();

1.2 Returns:

  • String converted to uppercase

2. Examples on toUpperCase() method:

2.1 Convert invoking String into Uppercase

package in.bench.resources.string.methods;

public class StringToUpperCaseMethod {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		// sample URL string
		String url = "BenchResources.Net";

		// convert all characters
		// present inside string into upper-case
		String upperCase = url.toUpperCase();

		// print to console - converted upper-case string
		System.out.println("Converted upper-case is : "
				+ upperCase);


Converted upper-case is : BENCHRESOURCES.NET

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