In this article, we will discuss LinkedHashSet class – one of the Set implemented classes in detail
1. Key points about LinkedHashSet:
- LinkedHashSet is exactly same as that of HashSet
- but it preserves insertion-order
2. LinkedHashSet:
- LinkedHashSet is implementation class of Set interface (i.e.; LinkedHashSet implements Set)
- This is introduced in Java 1.4 version
- LinkedHashSet uses combination of LinkedList & hashtable to store element/objects
- Duplicate element/objects are NOT allowed
- If duplicate value is added again and again, there won’t be any compile-time or runtime errors
- Simply add(object); method returns false for already containing object inside LinkedHashSet
- At any time, LinkedHashSet contains only unique element/objects
- Insertion-order is maintained
- While iterating through LinkedHashSet, we will get items as per insertion-order
- Allows NULL insertion but maximum of only one NULL value
- Without generics, LinkedHashSet allows to insert any type of objects;
- with generics, it is type-bounded (except, if we take Object as type within angle brackets)
- LinkedHashSet is non-synchronized
- Present in java.util package and extends java.util.HashSet implements java.util.Set interface
- Also, implements java.lang.Cloneable, marker interfaces which provides special ability to LinkedHashSet (provided by JVM at run time) like,
- java.lang.Cloneable: to create a duplicate object or to clone an object
- to transfer objects across network
Source: Team BenchResources.Net
3. LinkedHashSet constructors:
3.1 LinkedHashSet hs = new LinkedHashSet();
- creates an empty LinkedHashSet object of size 16
- with default fill ratio 0.75
3.2 LinkedHashSet hs = new LinkedHashSet(int initialCapacity);
- creates an empty LinkedHashSet object of specified size (or initial capacity)
- with default fill ratio 0.75
3.3 LinkedHashSet hs = new LinkedHashSet(int initialCapacity, float loadFactor);
- creates an empty LinkedHashSet object of specified size (or initial capacity)
- and specified fill ratio (for example 0.85)
3.4 LinkedHashSet hs = new LinkedHashSet(Collection c);
- created an equivalent LinkedHashSet object for the specified collection
- it is basically used for inter-conversion between collection objects
4. Fill ratio (or Load factor)
- Fill ratio is also known as Load factor
- This factor determines when to increase the size of LinkedHashSet automatically
- For example, for the 1st two constructors the default load factor is 75 –> which means after filling 75 % of LinkedHashSet, new LinkedHashSet of bigger size will be created
- For 3rd constructor, programmer can define load factor while creating LinkedHashSet object. If programmer define it to be 0.95, then after filling 95% of LinkedHashSet, size of LinkedHashSet will be increased automatically
- The value of Load factor should be in between 0 to 1.0
5. LinkedHashSet examples:
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
public class LinkedHashSetAddAndRemove {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// creating LinkedHashSet object of type String
LinkedHashSet<String> lhs = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
// adding elements to LinkedHashSet object
lhs.add("Sundar Pichai");
lhs.add("Satya Nadella");
lhs.add("Shiv Nadar");
lhs.add("Shantanu Narayen");
lhs.add("Sundar Pichai"); // adding duplicate element
lhs.add("Francisco D’Souza");
// adding null element to LinkedHashSet lhs
lhs.add(null); // 2nd null is added, lhs will have one NULL
// creating Iterator reference
Iterator<String> ceo = lhs.iterator();
System.out.println("Iterating using Iterator\n");
// iterating using while loop
while (ceo.hasNext()){
System.out.println("\n\nprinting inside square brackets []");
Iterating using Iterator
Sundar Pichai
Satya Nadella
Shiv Nadar
Shantanu Narayen
Francisco D’Souza
printing inside square brackets []
[Sundar Pichai, Satya Nadella, Shiv Nadar, Shantanu Narayen,
Francisco D’Souza, null]
Q) Difference between HashSet and LinkedHashSet ?
- The main difference between HashSet and LinkedHashSet is insertion-order
- HashSet doesn’t maintain insertion-order and print values in random-order while iterating
- whereas LinkedHashSet maintains insertion-order as seen in above example
- Note: All methods of HashSet/LinkedHashSet is non-synchronized
Q) How to make LinkedHashSet synchronized ?
- LinkedHashSet can be easily converted into synchronized LinkedHashSet
- using utility method synchronizedSet(lhs); of java.util.Collections class
Set set = Collections.synchronizedSet(lhs);
Related Articles:
- How to get size or length of HashSet
- How to delete a element and delete all elements of HashSet
- retainAll() method explanation with HashSet
- How to check whether particular element is present in HashSet
- Comparing two HashSet objects using containsAll() method
- Adding one HashSet to another HashSet using addAll() method
- Various ways to iterate through HashSet
- How to reverse LinkedHashSet contents
- Sorting HashSet contents in ascending and descending order
- How to Sort HashSet in Java – 2 ways
Happy Coding !!
Happy Learning !!