In one of the previous articles, we have discussed how to sort list of objects on the basis of single field/attribute using Comparable and Comparator interfaces
Read Java 8 – Sorting list of objects on multiple fields for sorting list of Objects on the basis of multiple field using Java 8 Comparator and Stream‘s sorted() method
1. Sorting lists of Objects on Single field/parameter :
Sorting ArrayList contents in both ascending/descending order on the basis of single field
2. Sorting list of Objects on Multiple field/parameters :
What if we have a requirement to sort ArrayList of objects in accordance with 2/3 fields like,
- First, sort according to customer name
- Second, sort according to customer city if names are same
- Third sorting w.r.t customer age if name/city are same
2.1 Steps to sort ArrayList contents w.r.t 3 member variables of Customer class :
- Define Customer class with 3 member variables namely customer name, city and age
- Write a custom sorting logic to sort Customer member variables w.r.t 3 field/parameters as per sequence (Name –> City –> Age)
- Main test class, where we are going to create ArrayList and inserts some 10+ entries of Customer objects
- Finally printing Customer objects before & after custom sorting logic from main class
package in.bench.resources.customized.sorting.multiple.fields;
public class Customer {
// member variables
String custName;
String custCity;
Integer custAge;
// getters & setters
// 3-arg parameterized constructor
// overriding toString() method
package in.bench.resources.customized.sorting.multiple.fields;
import java.util.Comparator;
public class CustomerSortingComparator implements Comparator<Customer> {
public int compare(Customer cust1, Customer cust2) {
// 1. name comparison in alphabetical-order
int compareName = cust1.getCustName().compareTo(cust2.getCustName());
// 2. city comparison in alphabetical-order
int compareCity = cust1.getCustCity().compareTo(cust2.getCustCity());
// 3. age comparison in ascending-order
int compareAge = cust1.getCustAge().compareTo(cust2.getCustAge());
// 3-level comparison using if-else block
if(compareName == 0) {
return ((compareCity == 0) ? compareAge : compareCity);
else {
return compareName;
package in.bench.resources.customized.sorting.multiple.fields;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
public class TestCustomerSorting {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// 1. create ArrayList reference to store customers
List<Customer> listOfCustomers = new ArrayList<Customer>();
// 1.1 create customer objects using constructor initialization
Customer cust1 = new Customer("Shalini", "Chennai", 60);
Customer cust2 = new Customer("Sneha", "Pune", 73);
Customer cust3 = new Customer("Simran", "Bangalore", 37);
Customer cust4 = new Customer("Trisha", "Hyderabad", 52);
Customer cust5 = new Customer("Shalini", "Chennai", 70);
Customer cust6 = new Customer("Abirami", "Bangalore", 48);
Customer cust7 = new Customer("Trisha", "Mangalore", 45);
Customer cust8 = new Customer("Sneha", "Pune", 62);
Customer cust9 = new Customer("Shalini", "Chennai", 50);
// 1.2 add customer objects to ArrayList
// 1.4 before Sorting: iterate using Iterator and while-loop
Iterator<Customer> custIterator =
// 1.5 print to console
System.out.println("Before Sorting - Insertion-order of List :-\n");
while(custIterator.hasNext()) {
// 2. sorting using Collections.sort()
Collections.sort(listOfCustomers, new CustomerSortingComparator());
// 2.1 after Sorting: iterate using enhanced for-loop
System.out.println("\n\nSorted order of Name -> City -> Age :-\n");
for(Customer customer : listOfCustomers) {
Before Sorting - Insertion-order of List :-
Customer [custName=Shalini, custCity=Chennai, custAge=60]
Customer [custName=Sneha, custCity=Pune, custAge=73]
Customer [custName=Simran, custCity=Bangalore, custAge=37]
Customer [custName=Trisha, custCity=Hyderabad, custAge=52]
Customer [custName=Shalini, custCity=Chennai, custAge=70]
Customer [custName=Abirami, custCity=Bangalore, custAge=48]
Customer [custName=Trisha, custCity=Mangalore, custAge=45]
Customer [custName=Sneha, custCity=Pune, custAge=62]
Customer [custName=Shalini, custCity=Chennai, custAge=50]
Sorted order of Name -> City -> Age :-
Customer [custName=Abirami, custCity=Bangalore, custAge=48]
Customer [custName=Shalini, custCity=Chennai, custAge=50]
Customer [custName=Shalini, custCity=Chennai, custAge=60]
Customer [custName=Shalini, custCity=Chennai, custAge=70]
Customer [custName=Simran, custCity=Bangalore, custAge=37]
Customer [custName=Sneha, custCity=Pune, custAge=62]
Customer [custName=Sneha, custCity=Pune, custAge=73]
Customer [custName=Trisha, custCity=Hyderabad, custAge=52]
Customer [custName=Trisha, custCity=Mangalore, custAge=45]
Related Articles :
- Java – Sorting ArrayList using Comparable and Comparator
- Java – Sorting ArrayList in descending order
- Java – How to sort LinkedList using Collections.sort() method ?
- Java – How to sort Vector using Collections.sort() method ?
- Java – Sorting list of objects on multiple fields using Comparator
- Java – Sorting HashSet contents in ascending and descending order
- Java – How to Sort HashSet in 2 ways ?
- Java 8 – How to sort HashSet ?
- Java – How to sort LinkedHashSet contents ?
- Java – How to sort TreeSet in descending order using Comparator ?
- Java – Sorting Collection of String, StringBuffer and StringBuilder
- Java – Sorting ArrayList in descending order
- Java 8 – Sorting ArrayList using sort() method of List
- Java – How to Sort String List by its length in Ascending/Descending order ?
References :
Happy Coding !!
Happy Learning !!