Java – Updating a record using JDBC PreparedStatement interface

In this article, we will use JDBC API to update a record into newly created table in MySQL database from Java application i.e.; using PreparedStatement Interface

1. Pre-requisite :

  • Java JDK 1.8.0_77
  • MySQL database 5.5.16
  • Eclipse Luna IDE 4.4.0
  • mysql-connector-java-5.1.38.jar file

2. Database parameters :

Let us move on and code an example to connect MySQL database from Java application to update a record using JDBC API. But before that, we will list down required things to connect database

  • database server IP or address (localhost)
  • sever port (3306)
  • database name (PLAYER_INFO)
  • username (root)
  • password (root@123)

Note: All bold are database values to connect MySQL database

3. Updating a record using JDBC PreparedStatement Interface :

  • As we are ready with required things to connect MySQL database from Java application
  • We can use one of the methods from PreparedStatement Interface to execute “update record” SQL query
    1. execute();
    2. executeUpdate();
    3. executeQuery();
  • Let us code a simple example using PreparedStatement Interface

package in.bench.resources.msaccess.db.example;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;

public class UpdateRecordUsingJDBCPreparedStatement {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		// variables
		Connection connection = null;
		PreparedStatement preparedStatement = null;

		// Step 1: Loading or registering MySQL JDBC driver class
		try {
		catch(ClassNotFoundException cnfex) {
			System.out.println("Problem in loading MySQL JDBC driver");

		// Step 2: Opening database connection
		try {

			// Step 2.A: Create and get connection using DriverManager
			connection = DriverManager.getConnection(
        "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/PLAYER_INFO", "root", "root@123"); 

			// create SQL query to update PLAYER info
			String sqlUpdateQuery =
                       "UPDATE PLAYER SET AGE = ? WHERE PLAYER_ID = ?";

			// Step 2.B: Creating JDBC Statement
		preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(sqlUpdateQuery);

			// set values for PreparedStatement for respective ?
			preparedStatement.setInt(1, 46);	// AGE
			preparedStatement.setInt(2, 2);		// PLAYER_ID

			// Step 2.C: Executing SQL & retrieve data into ResultSet
			int sqlQueryResult = preparedStatement.executeUpdate();

			System.out.println(sqlQueryResult +
                     " indicates PLAYER info updation is successful");
		catch(SQLException sqlex){
		finally {

			// Step 3: Closing database connection
			try {
				if(null != connection) {

					// cleanup resources, once after processing

					// and then finally close connection
			catch (SQLException sqlex) {


1 indicates PLAYER info updation is successful

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Happy Coding !!
Happy Learning !!

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