Java – Steps to include jars in classpath in Eclipse IDE

In this article, we will list down the steps to include required jars into classpath in Eclipse IDE

1. Steps to include jars in classpath in Eclipse IDE:

Step 1: Right-click on the project

Right-click on the project for which we want to include jars

Right-click –> Build Path –> Configure Build Path


Step 2: Libraries dialog box opens up with already included jars

Click External JARs…..


Step 3: JAR Selection dialog box opens up

Select the required jars –>  click Open


Step 4: Finally click Ok

As we can see, ojdbc14 is included in the list at 2nd position

Note: This position can be changed and this doesn’t affects the project


Finally required jar is included into classpath in Eclipse IDE


2. Useful Eclipse IDE shortcuts :

Happy Coding !!
Happy Learning !!

Java – An example to connect Oracle database
Java – An example to connect MySQL database