Eclipse + Maven – Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration

In this article, we will investigate various possibilities to suppress/resolve “Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration” error

1. Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration:

After configuring/installing Maven with Eclipse IDE, you may still get some issues –> one such issue is “Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration


2. Solution:

There are two ways available to fix this issue

  1. Ignore plugin
  2. Add this plugin to Lifecycle Mapping

2.1 Ignore Plugin:

Add below <pluginManagement> under <build> tag in the same pom.xml

For our example,

  • groupId –> org.jvnet.jax-ws-commons
  • artifactId –> jaxws-maven-plugin
  • versionRange –> [1.0.0,)
  • goal –> wsimport

Note: Above parameters changes according to the plugin, for which it throws this error

pom.xml (partial)


2.2 Add this plugin to Lifecycle Mapping

Another way is to add this particular plugin to “Lifecycle Mapping” of Maven

  • Step 1: Open Eclipse –> Windows –> Preferences
  • Step 2: Go to Maven –> Lifecycle Mappings
    • And then Click “Open workspace lifecycle mappings metadata” –> which will open “lifecycle-mapping-metadata.xml” file in Eclipse editor
  • Step 3: Add below XML chunk to this file –> save the file
    • Finally click “Reload workspace lifecycle mappings metadata” to take effect of new changes in the working environment

pom.xml (partial)

		<ignore />

Again this is specific to “wsimport” goal and it may vary depending on the plugins configured for our business requirements

3. Useful Eclipse IDE shortcuts :

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Happy Coding !!
Happy Learning !!

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